Finally, character's level and their gear's ilvl will be scaled down to Shadowlands (120 characters will become level 50, with this expansion's max level being 60).Guild banks are gonna be wiped (items deleted gold set to 0) on Oribos (your guild bank won't be affected on Sethraliss, don't worry).

Every item in inventories will be bound to your character meaning you won't be able to sell in the AH nor trade them anymore.Each character's gold will be capped to 10000.Two days prior to Oribos' opening, we will be copying every character from Sethraliss so you can resume your progression where you left it. Please note that our Launcher is now updated to include Shadowlands, yet we advise you to download the full client via torrent if possible. To be able to play right on the 20th, you will need to have your Firestorm Shadowlands client downloaded in advance: many other players will want to join in at the same time, therefore we strongly advise you to prepare yourself right now ! It's easy, all you need to do is either access our regular download page or visit our dedicated guide here. In the meantime you can obviously keep on playing it as much as you'd like ! As we mentioned in our previous announcement, any progress made on it won't carry over onto Oribos (the "real" realm): this was a bound-to-disappear realm only meant for testing purposes.
Our OBTR will remain opened until Sunday, December 19th when it'll then be shut down. This is it, Firestorm's next expansion: Shadowlands will be released on Monday, December 20th 10:00AM server time on its realm Oribos !Īfter a month of Beta realm (OBTR) where you could discover in advance the new features of this 8th World of Warcraft Expansion and give us feedback, it is now time to get the real thing started ! We really wanted to have it ready before Christmas, as a 'gift' to you all: you've been really patient, now it's time for you to get rewarded for it !